Todd Russell - Fresh Flesh

     This book literally took me less than a day to finish.  I was hooked the moment I finished the first chapter.  There is an island that the government has used as a hidden project - an island that houses the most dangerous and notorious killers that were previously on death row.  A terrible accident has destroyed a yacht and left a woman stranded; she washed up on shore where an inmate happens to find her still alive.
     The author takes you through the previous lives and history of each inmate that has found themselves on the island, and the reader is forced to imagine what will possibly become of the woman who washed up on shore.  Will she survive?  Be chopped into pieces like so many of the inmates had done to women in the states?  I couldn't wait to keep reading and find out.  The book was extremely easy to read and understand, although not for a young audience whatsoever, but perfect for anyone who enjoys horror.  I assume there will be another book in the series since this is labeled as Fresh Flesh #1, I'll be looking forward to the next!


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