Richard Matheson - Hell House

     Basically, a group of people get paid by this rich man to stay in what they call 'Hell House' - one of the most haunted houses in the country.  The previous owner was said to have had all sorts of terrible things going on in the house, including cannibalism, sacrifices, blood-lust, torture, and just plain old homicide.  Previous people had attempted to stay in the house only to be driven mad or murdered in some inexplicable way.  The four people who are going to stay this time are as follows:  a previous contender who had survived a night in Hell House before, a church-going woman who is pure of thought and also a medium, an educated man who believes he has invented a machine to rid the house of any energy and doesn't believe in ghosts, and the educated man's wife.
     Character development follows the four around and starts to peel the layers, revealing past lives and frustrations, only to be brought forth by the energy or ghosts of the house.  Much happens, and it's suspenseful and creepy all in one, while making the reader terribly uncomfortable during a lot of parts in the book.  I was satisfied with the ending, although I did think it was just a bit on the cheesy side.
     I hadn't read any Matheson books before, but what piqued my interest was that he wrote 'I Am Legend' - and that speaks for itself.  Overall, I'd give the book a 4/5, I did enjoy it and I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a slightly twisted ghost story.


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