Shay Savage - Surviving Raine

     Remember that book that was pretty much only about sex from a male point of view, but totally draws you in somehow with the terrible plot?  Yeah, me too!  Surviving Raine!  Alright, so this guy with a sordid past becomes a womanizing alcoholic who owns a private ship that he rents out.  The ship hits an underground earthquake and sinks, he ends up on a raft with Raine who later becomes his love interest and a permanent place to put his cock.  Okay, that was vulgar - but if you read this book the vulgarity will be commonplace!  I did like it though, so I gave it four stars.  What I found likable was the chemistry between Raine and Bastian.  This book is definitely not a hard read and I finished it in a couple days without having to look up any words.  Yay!


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