John Everson - Deadly Nightlusts

     If necrophilia and homicidal pedophiles are your thing, then this book might be right up your alley.  For me, on the other hand, it was not.  I'm one for horror and macabre any night of the week, but something about this book made me feel uncomfortable and saying 'wtf' during most of it.  I think that might have been the author's intention, and if it was - bravo, Everson!  
     This is a collection of small stories, each one having a common theme of putting sex into the most gruesome light imaginable.  The six stories are as follows:
Pumpkin Head is about a kid who masturbates into a pumpkin and becomes obsessed with it.
Green Apples, Red Nails is about a pedophile who kidnapped girls, molested them and murdered them.
Sacrificing Virgins is about a rock star who made a deal with the devil and eventually has to perform necrophilia to hold up his end of the deal.
Body and Blood is about religion gone wrong, a demon inhabiting a dead man's body and allowing people to do everything they want to each other.
A Lack of Signs is the most tame story of all of them, about a shop that provides everything you need if you only wish it or want it bad enough.
Star on the Beach is about necrophilia and some alien thing, I still am not sure what it was truly about.


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