Ready Player One - Ernest Cline


♥♥♥♥!  This book.  Amazing.  I thoroughly enjoyed every second, and I'm debating whether or not I want to read it again, like...right now.

Ready Player One takes place in a future world where most living and things are done within a computer "game"/program, OASIS.  This is a limitless virtual world that many humans have become caught up in because their normal life pales in comparison to their virtual one.  In a nutshell, the main protagonist, Wade, is competing in a contest to become CEO of the company that developed OASIS, and billions of dollars.  The former developer of the game, now deceased, was an avid fan of the 80's and the entire book is filled with 80's references - both obvious and obscure.  The story catapults you into the world of OASIS as the main characters would have seen it, felt it.

I couldn't stop reading it; I read it in 4 days.

If you're a fan of sci-fi, 80's movies, gaming, humanity, food, anything.... READ THIS BOOK!
You won't regret it.


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